UltraBright LED Transilluminator
The UltraBright LED Transilluminator is ultra bright and provides safer blue LEDs and an easy gel cutting amber filter. Higher sensitivity leads to compatibility with most stains. Full size viewing surface is 160 x 200 (mm). Lamda Biotech is the authorized USA distributor for MaestroGen products.How to use the UltraBright LED Transilluminator:SPECIAL FEATURES Safer to use; replace UV. Easy for gel cutting: NO need to wear amber glasses. Adjustable intensity: from 100% down to 50%. Strong blue LED for excitation. NO UV hazard to skin and eyes. NO DNA damage inherent to UV - No worries when cutting out bands for elution. Uniformity supplies <5% coefficient of variance (CV) across the full filter area. Wide applications other than DNA/RNA gel visualization; such as, fluorescent proteins. Sensitive for a wide range of fluorphores: DNA SafeStain, GelGreen, GelRed, EthBr, SYBR® Safe, SYBR Gold, SYBR Green I® & II, SYPRO® Rudy, SYPRO® Orange, Coomassie Fluor™ Orange stains, and Lumitein™ Protein Gel Stain