100bp DNA Ladder, PreSafeStained
100bp DNA Ladder, PreSafeStained
A pre-stained molecular weight marker containing 8 DNA fragments optimized for smaller fragment analysis. Features integrated fluorescent dye for direct visualization during electrophoresis. Includes SafeStain 6X DNA Loading Dye for sample preparation.
Technical Specifications:
- Size range: 100 bp to 3 kb
- Number of fragments: 8
- Fluorescence emission: 530 nm
- Visualization: LED or UV light compatible
- Direct detection without post-staining
Loading Dye Features:
- Format: 6X concentration
- Tracking dyes:
• Blue dye migration marker
• Yellow dye migration marker
- Integrated green fluorescent DNA stain
- Ready-to-use formulation
Visualization Properties:
- Real-time electrophoresis monitoring
- Dual-color tracking system
- Green fluorescent DNA bands
- No post-run staining required
- Standard gel documentation compatible
Research Applications:
- Small fragment analysis
- PCR product verification
- Short amplicon detection
- DNA quantification
- Routine gel electrophoresis
Keywords: DNA ladder, pre-stained marker, small fragment analysis, gel electrophoresis marker