100 bp Plus DNA Ladder

Catalog #: M111
Size: 1000ul

100 bp Plus DNA Ladder

A molecular weight marker containing 13 distinct DNA fragments ranging from 100-3000 base pairs (bp), featuring enhanced 500 bp and 1500 bp reference bands for easy orientation.

Technical Specifications:
- Size range: 100-3000 bp
- Number of fragments: 13
- DNA content: Minimum 30 ng per band
- Loading concentration: 500 ng/6 µl
- Volume: 1000 µl
- Enhanced reference bands: 500 bp and 1500 bp

Loading Buffer Components:
- 10 mM Tris-HCl
- 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0)
- 0.02% Bromophenol blue
- 0.02% Xylene cyanol
- 5% Glycerol

Storage and Usage:
- Store at -20°C
- Standard loading volume: 6 µl
- Loading volume adjustable based on well size
- Compatible with standard agarose gels
- Ready-to-use format

Research Applications:
- DNA fragment size determination
- PCR product analysis
- Restriction digest analysis
- Molecular weight estimation
- DNA quantification

Keywords: DNA ladder, molecular weight marker, DNA size standard, gel electrophoresis marker